
EuroLyme initiative


EuroLyme initiative is a collaboration of Lyme disease patient groups.

LymePlus covers the disease caused by all borrelia species, all tick bite infections, linked bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

The initiative asks innovative research and improved legislation about LymePlus disease, based on respect for European vision on democracy and for innovative research.
It aims to realize concrete plans via participation in the European Union's debates and public consultations.


On November 15 2018, the European Parliament approved the resolution on Lyme disease (borreliosis) 2018/2774(RSP).

In february 2022, Member of European Parliament Frédérique Ries and EuroLyme have jointly drawn 2 texts written questions to the European Commission.

Written question 1: Methods to diagnose Lyme disease (borreliosis) earlier and more effectively
Question PDF
Answer web HTML
Answer PDF

Written question 2: Compliance by Member States with the obligation to report cases of Lyme disease (borreliosis)
Question PDF
Answer web HTML
Answer PDF


An overview of accomplished work is here : Participation in European Union policy.


EuroLyme EU Petition
Subject :
Reliable blood tests for Lyme disease
(including tests showing the end of an active borrelia infection)
More info :
European Commission notice to the 66 Members of European Parliament of the PETItion committee :
Petition on the European Parliament website :


The engaged groups are :

Suomen Lyme Borrelioosi ry

Lyme patients in Finland
Borrelia och TBE föreningen

Lyme patients in Sweden
Lyme Lives Here Hungary - Rusznyák Veronika

Lyme patients in Hungary


As founder of EuroLyme in Belgium, I wish to start a group for Lyme patients tailored to the rhythm of patients. Nature is a good meeting point for those who adapt their lives to a quiet lifestyle and a slower rhythm.